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School Age Summer Camp

  • Kindergarten


Are you wondering what kinds of skills 5-year-olds develop in kindergarten? Kindergarten is a big year for learning to do new things. Get an idea of what to expect this year by checking out these developmental milestones for typical 5-year-olds. This list can help you identify if there are trouble spots to mention to your child’s pediatrician...

  • First Grade


Do you wonder about developmental milestones in first grade? The physical skills a 6-year-old has when going into first grade won’t differ that much from those of a 7-year-old at the end of first grade. But typical first-grade development includes big changes in social and thinking skills...

  • Second and Third Grade


Are you wondering about typical second and third grade development? At this age, kids make big leaps in language and cognition, as well as in how they feel and get along with others. Here’s more information about typical skill for 7-year-olds and 8-year-olds...

  • Fourth and Fifth Grade


Fourth and fifth grade can be years of change in many ways. Typical developmental milestones at these ages often revolve around a child’s changing body, the need for independence and a desire to be accepted by peers. If you’re not sure what to expect at this age, learn how 10-year-olds and 11-year-olds typically develop...

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